Product description
Parents are the first and most important mental coach a child has in their life yet parents are not taught how to help their competitive child build their mental toughness for sport or any other competitive environment. This book helps equip parents with understanding the mental game and how they can better help their children grow. Why do you need it? Children/Teens are competing every day for a spot on the team, lead in the school pay, academic excellence, college scholarships, and so much more. Having a strong mental game is vital to success, and this book helps parents learn what they can do to aid their children/teens in developing a healthy mindset in their competitive efforts. Who can benefit from it? Parents of all age children at any competitive level Coaches of all levels in all sports or performance areas Teachers of any grade level Learn: How to help your child gain mental skills to advance in their sport or performance area. Ways to talk to your child to help build their Self-Image. Why you are the first and most important Mental Coach your child will ever have. How to help your child improve in their sport by helping them mentally. Advice from Olympic Champion and Olympic Coach, Lanny Bassham
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